What we are presently working on…
- Maintaining communication with the Poisson Blanc Regional Park, Bowman, Lac Ste Marie, Notre Dame de Laus, COBALI and the «Base de plein-air AIR-EAU-BOIS» to coordinate our efforts to protect the Poisson Blanc watershed.
- Searching for volunteers for our buoy committees and monitoring the southern islands.
- Discussions with the Municipality of Bowman and the Outdoor Base Air-Eau-Bois for better management of the southern islands, boat launch and parking.
- Discussions with members to ensure informed opinions of proposed zoning modifications in Newton Bay.
- Community events to better know our members.
Do you have any questions or concerns?

Margaret is the coordinator for this group…. Thank you!
Here is our first 2015 document: Buoy Committee Proposal_Final
2019- 2020
New anchors and cables and replacement of buoys.
Better installation of the buoys (new anchors and cables) and replacement of a buoy.

Installation of this sign at the entry point to Newton Bay.

Curious to read her 2018 report?
Buoy Committee Update – July 2016 The Association continues to promote boating safety on the lake by placing marker buoys on dangerous rock piles throughout the lake. We now have 9 marker buoys installed in various locations on the between the Denholm sector and Newton Bay, and on the north side of Mystery Island. Please keep an eye out for the Buoys and inform one of the Committee members if you see any damaged or loose buoys. These buoys are purchased and maintained by the Association with funds from your annual association fees.
In August 2015, we purchase two aluminium «no wake» signs to be install according to the Buoy’s Committee Proposal. Will be adding two more buoys (near Bowman) and also two additionnal «no wake» aluminium signs to be installed at Bowman and Newton Bay in 2016.
Jeff is the coordinator for this group
Eurasian Watermilfoil
Sadly, it is confirmed that we have milfoil but we will take measures to prevent it some spreading. Here is the study the Association paid to be done at lake du Brochet and lake Poisson Blanc (southern portion) to download:
Once they arrive, it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, and expensive to get rid of them.
Is far-reaching. Not only is the native biodiversity forever disrupted, including the complete loss of some native species, we humans are affected too. Some invasive species, toxic blue algae, wild parsnip and giant hogweed, are toxic and harmful. Others change our landscapes; the emerald ash borer is decimating the native ash trees in our forests. And in our ‘lakescapes’ Eurasian milfoil is blanketing shallow lake beds making it a nasty experience for swimming, fishing, and boating.
Our lake enjoyment is reduced and so too perhaps is our property value!
Yes, it survives during the winter time even if the water is gone!

We installed some signs at all entry points of southern portion of lake Poisson Blanc. Also, we will ask for volunteers to take care of some yellow buoys.

What can you do?
Do not pull it or scrape it off! On a individual basis you can install some burlap («jute») in the spring time when the water level is low over the infected area.

Newton Bay
Zoning issue:
Two zoning changes were proposed by the municipality. After strong opposition the two zoning changes were drop till after the municipal elections. We do not know if they will represent a different one or officially go for «SPOT ZONING» which LSM doesn’t like to generalize. Different messages were send out by the municipality so there is still some confusion.
It seems, after reading our recommendations, that LSM has accepted some of them so the principle of a environmental evaluation for any project will now be considered before granting a permit. Some members want to limit projects to residential/non-residential construction only. More news later
Here are the two letters the Association sent on this matter:
Zonage_LSM_finale_en v2
Zoning email text to Newton Bay cottage owners_1
Montée Jean-Marc:

Seems it will take longer to complete the work so now it will be a long term project to make this road usable for all vehicles.
A rustic parking lot for those who want to use the boat launch is now accessible at about 5/10 minutes distance by foot. No news on further modification of the boat launch since LSM wants a official one instead in Gatineau Bay wich would have direct access to the lake Poisson Blanc. This latter project is still in the preliminary draft stage but we were promise to be contacted to give our input.
Still waiting for the installation of safety traffic sign which was promise after road construction.
Summer & Autumn 2020:
Project Montée Jean-Marc and Solitude Nord:
The work proposed by LSM will make the road passable all year long. Somewhat delayed by the pandemic, the work will require installing the largest culvert on the LSM territory, some tree cutting and renting some very heavy-duty equipment. The road should be passable by the Winter 2020 and the rest of the work finished by the Spring of 2021.
Autumn 2019:
Procedures are under way to proceed on the marking of the new road.
July 2019:
It seems that that was a error in the loan document so some «proceedings» has to be redone… details on Ronald Facebook page.
We have done our part in helping those owners on their road project and now leave the final work and acceptance to those who are directly concerned by this project. We shall move on to other important projects relevant to our “new” 2019 mandate.

Finally, the BIG DAY arrived, on Friday March 8th! All property owners from Montée Jean-Marc and Solitude Nord were present to hear from the municipality on the propose road reconstruction of Montée Jean-Marc. As a Association we had in our mandate to advocate property owners rights. We supported and helped the “Association des propriétaires de la baie Newton” in their demands since 2015.
Those who attended were presented the work that was done since then, the cost and time table for the completion of this project. A map was presented detailing the propose route.

For those of you interested by this project, here is the summary of this meeting in french.
If you are directly concerned by this project, please go to the Facebook page of “Ass. des propriétaires de la baie Newton” or contact Darrell from the “Property owners of ch de la Solitude”. We are hoping all the best to all of them from now on. We have deleted all documents on this matter since the project is under way.
Concerning some road signs…
Confirmation on the installation of safety traffic sign in the spring of 2021 on Montée Jean-Marc and Grand-Poisson-Blanc Road.
A letter was send to LSM and Denholm (in french) in 2017: lettre_échéance_signalisations.pdf
It is also official that the municipality of LSM will install soon, the new road signs for: TransOutaouais, ch de la Solitude et Montée Jean-Marc.
Finally LSM has installed a slow down «LENTEMENT» sign on top of the gravel hill before Montée Jean-Marc.
Permanent «No PARKING» signs were installed before the wooden bridge concerning vehicles parked for visitors going to lac Vert as ask in 2020. THANK YOU!
The unofficial boat launch (down the hill) was closed by the property owner which didn’t know what was going on in reality on his property. The neighbours are glad to have found their tranquility back again.
October: Confirmation on the installation of safety traffic sign in the spring of 2021 on Grand-Poisson-Blanc.
July: We have received complaints about vehicles parking near the bridge since last summer. The municipality inspector is looking for a solution concerning the parking of vehicles before and after the bridge.
We will ask for two new signs to be install on Grand-Poisson-Blanc concerning a hidden curve and hill (slow down). This will complete our suggestions that were proposed in 2017.
We also ask for more SQ patrol in the bay area.
The municipality has removed the guardrails on the paved hill. They simply gave a false illusion of security.
Good news, we intervened with the municipal authorities of Lac Sainte Marie and the boat launch sign was withdrawn in October on Grand-Poisson-Blanc Rd. A BIG THANK YOU to the councillors of LSM for their environmental action!
Our members of the Chemin du Grand Poisson Blanc had quite a scare in June when a “public” descent (with no parking) was announced in an area at great risk of environmental deterioration in Newton bay.

August 2017:
At the AGM it was decided to install two signs near Haven’s Cove to indicate that camping is not allowed since their are properties near by:
November 2016:
- The municipality will study to situation of the railings on the asphalted road (ch Grand-Poisson-Blanc) going up the hill.
- Repair chore (if needed by our members) on the forestry road past the wooden bridge since the municipality will no longer maintain it.

- The municipality has done some major repair on the road to chemin Clermont:
- A member has ask us to help him with annoying campers near his cottage. At the AGM it was agreed to make two signs to be install near the lac Vert parking.
A LETTER from the Association was send to the municipality mentionning this issue (in french) :questions2015
LAC CUILLERIER (Notre-Dame-de-Laus)
September: Officialisation of this sector into our Association. Also members from this sector will also join the «Fédération Lausane» to have a official voice at the municipality.
June: With the help of a non-resident «Patrick» we have started reaching out to this sector. Membership is up and Patrick has accepted to be the Representative.
WATER LEVELS on Poisson-Blanc
Hydro-Québec has modified their notification page to include a 3 day forecast.
Jeff had a meeting with those concerns and will will receive a weekly update by email to be send to our members in 2020.
Our coordinates have been added to the Notre-Dame-de-Laus emergency list in case of major problems with the lake Poisson Blanc water level.
December 2019:
The Water Level Committee has published it’s finding on this subject. We will be discussing it further at our next AGM.
Want to read our study on this matter?
Want to read the response we got from the ministry?
Water release schedules often change without notice due to unanticipated changes in weather conditions and power system requirements. Water release schedules and flow levels posted by Brookfield Renewable are for informational purposes only and are subject to change without notice.

The Lièvre hydroelectric stations are located in Masson, Dufferin, High Falls and Rapides-des-Cèdres with a total capacity of 263 megawatts (MW).
For more information on water levels elsewhere on the River, please visit the following sites:
Centre d’expertise hydrique du Québec
Ottawa River Regulation Planning Board
For more information on the managers of the dams and generating stations on the Lièvre River:
Boralex Power Income Fund
Algonquin Power
Centre d’expertise hydrique du Québec
Email : infolalievre@energiebrookfield.com
Phone: 819-986-4628 / Toll-free : 1-877-986-4364

For more details information please follow this link:
Please verify at this website to get the current water level : http://www.cehq.gouv.qc.ca/suivihydro/graphique.asp?NoStation=040602

Presently, we have a good reception for all those living in the southern portion of the lake during the week but having problems in the summer weekends because of over-usage.
Satellite services like «StarLink» (beta testing in 2021) and Xplornet are available. Other satellites services will be added before 2025.
Regarding high speed Internet services du Brochet Lake, Newton Lake & Newton Bay:
The objective is to connect each residence to a high speed Internet service by optic fiber by 2022. Yes, the Lac Brochet and Grand Poisson Blanc sectors are included in our requests made by resolution. The municipality says it understand very well our needs.
Regarding high speed Internet services in Bowman:
The objective is to connect each residence to a high speed Internet service by optic fiber by 2022. Does this include the Bowman sector of Poisson-Blanc? Still no news from Bowman but maybe threw Denholm this will be possible.

We have ask the municipality to relocate one of the sharp curve signs.
We have revamp our signs encouraging drivers to slow down.

The municipality of LSM will complete the installation of the remaining 50km road signs on Grand Poisson Blanc Rd.
LSM It has installed the new dangerous curb sign near David’s property.

A letter was send and a resulting meeting on June the 8th. Here is the letter (in French): lettre_échéance_signalisations
For those interested we could print this sign for you (at a cost of $5 each) to be installed on your property. We appreciate the city of Ottawa (Safer roads Ottawa TowardZero) for permission to use the logo.

A letter was send by the Association on August the 14th 2015 to the municipality of LSM.
Here is the letter (in french): Association Poisson Blanc_Limite de vitesse_Signalisation
Our suggestion was accepted by the municipality and all 50 km/h signs will be installed on Grand-Poisson-Blanc road.
For those travelling from Denholm or Lac-Sainte-Marie. A letter by the Association was send to the municipality of Lac-Sainte-Marie.
Here is the letter (in french) for LSM: transoutaouais_LSM
A letter was also send to the municipality of Denholm (in french): transoutaouais_denholm_v4

We are glad to notice that LSM have reinstall our new road signs that were vandalize during the hunting season.

Sadly, don’t look for the signs indicating the names of our roads. They were vandalized during the hunting season. They will be installed again this spring. Spread the word … do not use our signs as targets because there is a cost to replace them!
The municipality of Denholm has installed a sign indicating were to turn to go to LSM and the Trans Outaouais

- New signs to indicate where are the boat launches in Newton bay and Bowman.
- Re ask for a sign to be install on Poisson Blanc Rd in Denholm indicating directions for LSM & ch. Transoutaouais

We are satisfied, the road signs have been installed to better guide our visitors or travellers. Many thanks to LSM.
Starting this winter. The TransOutaouais is OPEN. Thank you Denholm and LSM for this service!!

DECEMBER : A partnership between the municipalities of Denholm and LSM is now official for maintaining the TransOutaouais open this winter.
APRIL : Confirmation that Lac-Sainte-Marie has accepted our suggestions, click (in french): 2015-04- signalisation Trans-Outaouaise
MARCH : Confirmation that Denholm has accepted our suggestions, click (in french): réponse_denholm
For those travelling from Denholm or Lac-Sainte-Marie. A letter by the Association was send to the municipality of Lac-Sainte-Marie.
Here is the letter (in french) for LSM: transoutaouais_LSM
A letter was also send to the municipality of Denholm (in french): transoutaouais_denholm_v4
This is our biggest concerns presently…
Discussions between the municipality and the «Base de plein-air Air-Eau-Bois» to create a second «regional park» in the southern portion of the lake. It would be managed by the «Base». Johanne, Representative for the Bowman sector, as ask for transparency and ask that we be consulted also.
We have increase our communications with the Base and also the municipality of Bowman concerning the boat launch and parking facilities. Thank you Patrick from the Base for all the work he did during the summer. Our members noticed the positive change!
Your concerns were transmitted about the monitoring of the southern islands and boat racing on the lake. We are asking more SQ nautical patrols and also the creation of a management comity for the islands on the southern end of Poisson Blanc.
Installation of some signs for some of our members to help manage the camping situation:
The municipality of Bowman help us financially in the purchase of this sign:
The municipality of Bowman has installed a new sign indicating some basic rules for those users using the boat ramp. Also a sign encouraging boat washing was also installed.


On Friday, March 1st, Linda Cornell and I had a formal meeting with the Municipality of Bowman. The Mayor, Pierre Labonté, and the Director General, Mylène Groulx, were present. A very constructive first meeting for our members. This summer you will see concrete and visible changes. A first step was taken with the installation of the wooden sign for canoes / kayaks … by the Base as promise in 2017. THANK YOU! 😊
We are waiting for a second meeting with Bowman and the Base de plein-air Air-Eau-Bois. At the same time, Pierre has ask information on the possibility of adding this sector to the regular patrol circuit of the Sécurité du Québec of Maniwaki instead being patrol by the Papineauville patrol.
Finally, as promise, the Base de plein-air Air-Eau-Bois has installed the wooden sign indicating were canoes & kayaks should go. Were hoping that, if encourage, this will ease tension at the regular boat launch.
The Outdoor Base Air-Eau-Bois has installed the new sign indicating where to launch canoes and kayaks. Let’s hope that users will be encourage to use it. Thank you!

Good news, LINDA CORNELL, was chosen to replace Éric as Vice president in your sector.
February & March:

We got the bad news that Éric Légaré and Ron Goode decided to resign for personal reasons.
On the positive side, the “Base de plein-air Air-Eau-Bois” wants us to participate in a BIG CLEANUP on the islands in association with the Regional park. The Association decided to STOP all actions involving the municipality till a new vice-president is chosen.

Antoine from the «Base de plein-air Air-Eau-Bois» has send us a photo of all the new signs that will be installed next spring near the boat launch.

- Éric has contacted the municipality and had a official phone meeting with Rémi Bergeron who is the General Administrator of Bowman. This first meeting was successful and very motivating for our representatives in Bowman. There should be a second meeting in May at the latest with a propose plan of action.
- We have prepare our case to be presented to the municipality of Bowman which you can read below.
- A new dock was installed and a second one should also be installed.
- A very positive meeting was held with the director of operations (Antoine) from the «Base de plein-air Air Eau Bois» on the 18th of June.
The «Base de plein-air Air-Eau-Bois» has paid half with us for a sign to be installed at the boat launch to encourage boat washing.

Here’s a summary of the situation they are living at the boat launch & parking written by Louise. This letter was to be presented to the General Manager in Bowman but wasn’t because of uncontrollable circumstances. Translated via GOOGLE TRANSLATE:
« As discussed and promised here is a list of common situations observed at the ramp. Before we begin with the list, we would like to emphasize that we greatly appreciate the fact that there is a parking lot as well as the road was paved. These improvements are greatly appreciated.
As for the ramp, here is what we can notice and the effects on the surrounding area. Then there is no surveillance at the ramp, here is a list of what was found there:
Hours of use:
Users arrive at all hours of day and night.
Some users spend a lot of time and are noisy (speak loud, shout or listen to their music very loudly).
Significant use:
There is sometimes a lot of congestion with several users arriving at the same time either to board or leave the water.
On the road, it causes a line of cars and boats and it is often very long. As a result, it follows a misuse of the surrounding space (ex: in the parking area around the ramp and in the entrances to the residences.) Waste management also suffers.
On water, there is not really a place for users to stop and so they hang on on the nearby properties. This causes damage to fences.
When the lake water is lower, users can sometimes stop on the banks but several tie their boats to the waterfront properties.
The “come and go” become very dangerous since the ramp is built of large rocks and land so the traffic is extremely dangerous. When it rains, the users are held after the fences of the neighbouring residences so, damaging them. I dare add here that it is surprising that no one has been hurt to date on the large pebbles that surround the ramp.
There are also users who leave their craft for several hours and even several days along the ramp or in the vicinity.
Without control on the ramp, there is no supervision of boats going on the lake, neither for safety nor for the environment.
There are often large groups of canoeists or kayakers who stop at the ramp for long periods of time. This is not only because of the number of people but also because the vast majority of the users loads and unloads canoes once on the ramp.
There are schools that come by bus and on their return from camping, the young people sometimes have to wait several hours at the ramp for their transport.
There are also groups of canoe and / or kayak courses that take place directly in the ramp or on the sides along the resident properties. As noted above, this is another factor that can cause or contribute to the traffic problem.
We also observed that some even use the wharves of the residents.
There are also very large groups that arrive with only one craft and who, for hours at a time, are shuttling people and their effects. Not counting the world’s safety issue (number of people in a boat / life jackets), those who wait will spend a lot of time at the ramp and settle down to make a picnic (with fire) and party.
General comments:
Some users (not all) have animals – both leash less and unattended.
A very disappointing aspect of using the uncontrolled ramp is finding garbage, clothes, baby diapers, and pet excrement around the ramp. This is an environmental problem for all.
Some parked illegally in the parking lot from below and complicated the entrances and exits to the ramp.
In addition, some of them are parked in the reserved spaces for cottagers on the lake.
Users show their frustration with the situation. We have often observed that users are either riding at high speed or leaving on the water at full speed. These behaviours become extremely dangerous for all and lack respect for other users on water and riparian properties.
We are often witness to entries enter users.
Second access to water:
La Base has built a descent and a wharf (closer to the large pay parking) for boaters and kayakers.
We do not know if the descent is reserved for their customers, but it is used very little – either because users do not seem to know, or there will be a lack of indication (s).
It is a shame because these installations were certainly built to lighten the back and forth of the ramp.
We have seen that the situation has worsened at Lac Poisson Blanc for two years. It may not be a coincidence that two years ago the Municipality of Val des Monts put restrictions on Lake St. Pierre and Lake McGregor by erecting a barrier, forcing boat owners to pay Fees to use the lakes in question or there is no camping. Those responsible for these launches must also ensure that the boats are clean, etc. Furthermore, the barrier opens at a specific time in the morning and closes at 9 pm. We invite you to visit their site To see how strict they are for this purpose. We deplore the fact that there is no supervision at the ramp and would like to work with you to see the possibilities of changing this situation. »
Following the mayor’s advice, we have modified and send a new letter. Here it is (in french): Lettre Bowman_V6
Sadly, as a response the mayor told us we had no authority in that sector (which was not our intention) and told us that they would improve the site on their terms only. We were also inform that the municipality of Bowman has given the management of that sector to the « Base de plein-air Air-Eau-Bois » and follows their advice. We have send a email with the letter to the Administrative Director but did not receive any response.
April 25th update: We have mailed our last letter and also included a explanation letter to all members of the board of directors of the «Base de plein-air Air-eau-Bois». Hoping for the best for our members!
In a nutshell our members wish the municipality of Bowman to resolve the waste management problems and start applying the recycling policy of the province. To install a visible information panel at the parking lot. To install a control booth with a barrier at the entry point of this sector. Applying a policy resembling «règlement 741-13» from the municipality of Val-des-Monts towards all visitors using the boat launch. To direct the flow of visitors using the facilities (boaters vs canoers) by employing an attendant. To install one or two speed bumps on the road towards the boat launch. Finally to install a sign telling boaters to watch their wake when entering that sector.
You can still sign our 2016 petition right now. This was never presented to the municipality. Here is the link (click on it): http://www.petitions24.com/appui_aux_proprietaires_de_bowman_secteur_lac_poisson_blanc
We met the administrative director at Bowman and also written to the mayor in 2016 to upgrade the 2007 master plan of the municipality. Had a meeting with the director of « Base de plein-air Air-Eau-Bois in 2015 concerning the last item in the master plan concerning us.
We have delivered a letter to them and here it is (in french): lettrebowmanv.4
Original development plan for our sector
2007: Master Plan 2007-04 adopted on June 05, 2007 by the municipality of Bowman:
Built in the 1970s, the Poisson Blanc Municipal Pier became a very busy access to the lake. This site was built for the needs of the time and no longer has the capacity to accommodate the regional clientele.
Until recently, it was in a state of advanced deterioration that affected the quality of life of the residents in the area.
In 2007, the municipality proceeded with the rehabilitation of the boat launch and the natural revitalization of the banks near that ramp.
In the future, the site can be further improved by the following projects:
- Increase the parking capacity to accommodate the regional tourist clientele;
- Install parking bans in front of residences on chemin du Poisson-Blanc;
- Install an efficient garbage box and relevant signs;
- A partnership project between the municipality and the «Base de plein-air Air-Eau-Bois is currently under study. This project aims to regulate the use and maintenance of the infrastructure and to promote the protection of the environment and the islands located on the territory of the municipality.
Completion of the beaver dam project with the help of Éco-Odyssée and some residents.
The riparian owners had a meeting and Benoît will collect money during the winter months to fund the material needed for the construction that should start in the spring of 2020.
- On September 28, the shore property owners at a general meeting where Pierre, our President was present, decided to join our Association in order to have a stronger voice with the municipal authorities.
- During this meeting the owners choose Benoît Sirois as their Vice President for our Board of Directors.
- There was talk of the reconstruction of a dam, respecting the local fauna, to control the level of the lake and also the activity of the beavers. Everything is completed except for the installation, this spring, of pipes and valves under the structure.
- Some owners would like to be better inform in ways in controlling the presence of invasive aquatic plants. The Association has accepted this idea for the coming year. Further more, Pierre will propose the purchase of jute to control the presence of mil foil as it is done in Lake Pemichongan.
This photo was taken in front of Laura’s property

One of our members, Margaret, organized a SCAVENGER HUNT on the big lake to better know it. We really hope this activity will be shared among our members.
Mathew organize a RAIN BARREL activity to raise funds for our association.
We are looking for new possibilities to celebrate our community and do some fundraising for our environmental activities.
Also we need some new blood on this NEW committee since Pierre and Carla did their share to organize the Corn Roast for the past six years.
All activities were cancelled due to COVID.
In September we organized a nature trail walk to the old growth forest sadly we had to cancel this activity because of the weather. We will try again in 2020 with the help of one of our members. But from this experience we will try to organize a group of interested members concerned about by a safe corridor for wildlife in our region.
If you understand French here is a video that explain this project:

We tried a CAMP FIRE with a sing along. Thank you Marcel & Diane for hosting.

We tried a historical pontoon tour. Thank you Diane & George.

We tried a fishing tournament. Thank you Mark Proulx for creating this!

A new musical component was added to our annual Corn & Roast.

- Publicity posters have been installed in different parts of the lake;
- Our first COMMUNITY letter was send to all owners from the municipality of Denholm and LSM in our sector inviting everyone to our COMMUNITY CORN & ROAST.

Our first donation with Michèle Beach.

We had our first information booth at the corner of Montée Jean-Marc and Grand-Poisson-Blanc Rd on the 6th of August