Poisson Blanc Watershed Lake Association

Including Lac du Poisson Blanc, Lac Newton, Lac Cuillerier & Lac Brochet

Version française: cliquez à droite sur FRANÇAIS

Who are we?

We are a group of volunteer property owners, residents, and cottagers from all walks of life who:

  •     see the lakes as living ecosystems
  •     respect the environment by minimizing the footprints we leave behind
  •     demonstrate civility towards others

What do we do?

We promote the interests of the community, facilitate the relationship between the municipality and those living in the Poisson Blanc watershed, full or part-time, and offer solutions and ideas to deal with environmental challenges, social issues, and development.

We do this by:

  • Ensuring your opinions are heard by municipal and regional authorities.
  • Promoting environmental awareness.
  • Promoting our community to foster a sense of community.
  • Sharing local information.
  • Encouraging networking with other associations, organizations and municipalities.

Some of our accomplishments:

  • Navigational Buoys to ensure water safety
  • Invasive species yellow buoys to contain Eurasian Milfoil
  • Improved road signage – speed limits, information signs
  • Increased awareness of environmental concerns and community issues
  • Water quality testing
  • Monitoring of unofficial campsites on islands
  • Addressing quality of life issues – access roads, boat launches, privacy
  • Access to winter trails on Chemin du Grand-Poisson-Blanc
  • All-season access on the Trans-Outaouais
  • Better cell coverage
  • Help in asserting our rights as property owners and taxpayers
  • Networking with other organizations:
    • Municipalities of Lac-Sainte-Marie, Bowman, Denholm and Notre-Dame-de-Laus
    • COBALI & the «Regroupement pour la protection de l’eau de la vallée de la Gatineau»
    • The Poisson Blanc Regional Park
    • Base de plein-air Air-Eau-Bois