Here are your November news… your executive was VERY busy!!


It is confirmed that the tower of Mont Ste-Marie will be in operation on January 2017. All the village of LSM will have a good reception. Unfortunately all our sectors are not included in the improvement of the wireless service, so we will continue as before … false hopes especially for emergency services. We have send a email expressing our views on this important topic for us since must of all our members are in a dead zone with no reception.


The project of a gas station at LSM for gasoline and also a electric recharging station is taking its course. More news soon.


It’s finish. Thank you Jenny! LIST of local business for 2017 is here: Take a look:


It’s a go with Mark Proulx… more news once the committee had it’s first meeting.


53% of our members voted by email or telephone. 57% of our members are indifferent (neutral) to this proposal. Among those who had an opinion … 12 voted YES (50%) and 12 voted NO (50%). For the executive, the result of this vote is inconclusive. As president, I contacted the regional park to hear their views on this proposal. The park told us that it had already applied for two patrol visits for the summer of 2017. We will ask for an additional visit or that the second visit by the patrol be from Bowman’s boat launch instead of Lac Campion which is further north.

We are thinking of installing next summer a 4ft by 4ft metal sign similar to this one which is not official yet at the entry point of Newton Bay. enseigne_baienewton



The «REGROUPEMENT POUR LA PROTECTION DE L’EAU DE LA VALLÉE DE LA GATINEAU» will renew the free washing stations next year because some were very busy (ex: in Gracefield) and others much less (ex: Low). Locally, it may be that the new LSM youth center will want to run a boat washing station at Lac Ste-Marie for 2017. We cross our fingers.


  • A big THcheminANKS to the municipality of LSM for the major repair on the road to ch Clermont;
  • There are still 3 speed signs to be installed before the end of December;
  • We have officially asked the municipality to repair the guardrails on the aphalted hill;
  • The file for the abandonned buildings is still going forward. More news in the spring;
  • The municipality confirms that there are no projects in progress (real estate or hunting/fishing club) after the wooden bridge.


  • We had a meeting with the municipality of LSM on November 8th. It was decided that there would be additional meetings including also the municipality of Denholm to better coordinate road improvements. Ronald Thomas will represent us at all these meetings. Curious to read our letter (in french): lettretrans_solitude2016v4
  • We will put pressure to better identify the «ch de la Solitude» and also the «Montée Jean-Marc EST» and clarify the new name of the TransOutaouaise (ch du Lac-Sainte-Marie); chLSM
    We will continue to request the installation on the road sign on ch Poisson-Blanc of a sign indicating the direction towards LSM; panneDenholm
  • Presently, there was no news about the Outaouais snowmobile club for a snowmobile trail on the “TransOutaouaise”. We will keep you informed if there is any change.
  • The municipality confirms that there are no real estate development projects in progress.


  • In December or January, we (Eric, Ron and Pierre) will be giving you our action plan for our members in Bowman for 2017. Since no real changes have been made as we suggested for the benefit of our members, especially for the viability of our lake.
  • To date, we have had over a hundred signatures! Yes, you can always participate by going to this site:
  • The municipality of LSM and the municipality of Denholm as well as our executive will participate in meetings about the “TransOutaouaise” and at the same time we will discuss “indirectly” the problematic situation of our members near the boat launch which is under the responsibility of the «Base de plein-air Air-Eau-Bois».

In November, we are now 61 members !!! Thank you Joël Proulx, Annie and Lynn Davies and Sherry McPhail for believing in US!

Thanks to your membership and our donations. We were able to buy different posters, buoys and spoil our members at our community corn-roast!

You do not want to become a member but you want to help us with a donation?

YES, it’s possible … by following this link:

English version by Pierre sorry for the mistakes. Want to help in translation contact us!