Our 2021 annual member’s newsletter is here! Want to read it?
The Poisson Blanc Insider Scoop
Please click on the link:
2021: Bulletin 2021_final
On the left MATTHEW GIBSON: For the volunteer work on our website and also for raising funds for the Association.
On the right CLAUDIO MICOMONACO: For all the volunteer work for our safety buoys and also our invasive mylfoil buoys.
Linda Cornell-Proulx for her involvement for all her members in the Bowman sector

TRANSPARENCY TESTING Long time volunteer for the islands
Sue Rocque (Shoreline), Denise Comtois/Jean Deschênes (Shoreline)
& Carla Monette (Volonteer work on the Newsletter/Facebook/Translation
George Mellean (Former President), Margaret Robinson (Coordinator Buoy committee),
André-Lise Bédard (Recognition of past work) & Dave Gibson (Former President)
We exist because of you, our members !
Our only source of revenue is your membership, our actions depend on it!
Your individual membership is valid from January with a extension till our AGM.
Our 2021 MEMBERS…
Thank you, for helping us during these hard times!
- Michelle Maloney
- Anne Robinson
- Carla Monette
- Larry Villeneuve
- André Loyer
- Pascal Deslauriers
- Gilbert Lafontaine
- Lynn Davies
- Pierre Charlebois
- Michel Lesage
- Monique Hébert
- Martin Giroux-Cook
- Ginette Giroux
- Paul Rosenberg
- Sheila Pretzol
- Peter Foster
- Sylvie Racette
- Andrée-Lise Bédard
- Benoit Sirois
- Jan-Philippe de Broeck
- Gaston Arseneault
- Daniel Paradis
- Benoit Landry
- Nathalie Hubert
- Caroline Légaré
- JoAnne Roy-Foster
- Donna Gadde
- Jeff Parkes
- Mario Tremblay
- Lynn Barwin
- Johanne Légaré
- Linda Cornell
- James & Natalie Briggs
- Erik Anderson
- Bob Thériault
- Suzanne Thériault
- Michèle Beach
- Patrick Gosselin
- Mira Francis
- Rick Brown
- Claude Brûlé
- Carmen Duguleanu
- Nicolas Martincich
- Nicolas Leblanc
- Julien Perreault
- Hutch Thériault
- Mathew Gibson
- Seane D’Argencourt Printup
- Barbara Gibson
- Laura Mendicino
- Bruna Bonapace
- Gloria Bonapace-Naylor
- Nancy Bonapace
- Larry Villeneuve (Angela)
- Joanne Monty
- Rock-Antoine Gagné
- Valérie Lafrenière
- Lise Larochelle-Parent
- Robert Bénard
- Kevin Doyle
- Éric Martineau
- Margaret Robinson (Darell)
- Raymond Cholette
- Marc Parisien
- Jean-Sébastien Gagnon
- Françoise deCardaillac
- Christopher Éthier
- Chantal Leblanc
- David Orfald
- Debby Clarke
- Jennifer Dawson (Derrick)
- Vanessa Lafontaine
- Benoit Hort
- Claudio Micomonaco
- Alfredo Verdasco
- Denise Fournier
- Marc Ouimet
- Tonya Youngberg
- Martine Beaulé
- Andrea Fejer Goehler
- Robert Caron
- Rita Bergevin
- Cindy Huneault
- Benoit Desjardins
- Ray Rodgers
- Pauline Poirier
- Dale Sutton
- Cathy Dougherty
- Helen Vrenjak
- Milan Vrenjak
- Éric Légaré
- Luc Villeneuve
- Suzette Leduc
- Christiane Campbell
- Michael Nowlan
- Remo Righi
- Christian Bordeleau
- Mélissa Nadeau
- Geneviève Lafontaine
- Manon Henri
- Jean-Maurice Hotte
- Denise Comtois
- Jean Duchesne
- Daniel Marcotte
- Pierre Fortier
- Martine Plouffe
- John Greenberg (Leslie)
- Patrice Thauvette
- Diane Binette
- David Cyr
- Antoine Cloutier
- Nancy Poulin
- Jérémie Gravel
- Denis Marleau
Here is the list of all our volunteers for 2020-21:
Community Events:
- Michelle Maloney (Newton Bay)
- Benoit Sirois (Brochet)
- Patrick Gosselin (NDL)
- André Loyer (Newton Bay)
- David Cyr (NDL)
- Patrice Thauvette (NDL)
- Daniel Marcotte (NDL)
- Lori Bennett
- Luc Carrière
- Andre Fejer Gohler
- Kirsten Goodwin
- Joanne Howard
- André Loyer
- Carla Monette
Help as Needed:
- James & Natalie Briggs (NDL)
- Jeff Parkes (Newton Bay)
- Benoit Landry (NDL)
- Patrick Gosselin (NDL)
- Nicolas Martincich (Brochet)
- Rich Brown (Bowman)
- Raymond Cholette (Newton Bay)
- Kevin Doyle (Newton Bay)
- André Loyer (Newton Bay)
- Jennifer Dawson (Newton Bay)
- Robert Caron (Newton Bay)
- Christian Bordeleau (Newton Bay)
- Mélissa Nadeau (NDL)
- David Cyr (NDL)
- Daniel Marcotte (NDL)
- Christine Abraham
- Andrée-Lise Bédard
- Marie-Claude Bonneau
- Jean-Philippe de Broeck
- Rick Brown
- Ron Brown
- Claude Brûlé
- Debby Clarke
- Diane Faucher
- Jean-Sébastien Gagnon
- Monique Hébert
- Nicolas Leblanc
- Michel Lesage
- Nicolas Martincich
- David Orfald
- Daniel Paradis
- Marc Parisien
- Jeff Parkes
- Gillian Rowan-Legg
Buoys (Yellow for Milfoil ):
- Lynn Barwin (Bowman)
- Linda Cornell (Bowman # 2)
- Christopher Éthier (Newton Bay #6-9))
- Martine Beaulé (Newton Bay # 4-5)
- Christiane Campbell (NDL)
- Michael Nowlan (NDL)
- Pierre Charlebois (Newton Bay # 19)
- Mark Proulx (Bowman # 1)
- Nancy Poulin (Newton Bay # 15-16)
- Jeff Parkes (Newton Bay #7-10)
- Sue Rocque (Newton Bay #8)
- Andrée-Lise Bédard (Newton Bay #11)
- Claudio Micomonaco (Newton Bay #12-13-14)
- Larry Villeneuve (Newton Bay #17-18)
Buoys (Orange Safety Buoys):
- Linda Cornell (Bowman)
- Patrick Gosselin (NDL)
- Éric Martineau (Newton Bay)
- Claudio Micomonaco (Newton Bay)
- Linda Cornell (Bowman)
- Margaret Robinson (Newton Bay)
- Louise Briscoe
- Linda Cornell
- Claudio Micomonaco
- Mark Proulx
- Margaret Robinson
- Lorraine & Dale Sutton
- Jean Duchesne
- Denise Comtois
- Fraser Blackwell
Guardian Angels for Lac du Poisson Blanc Southern Islands:
KEEP US INFORM til the municipality of Bowman creates a management committee.
The BROWN family will take photos of neglected or vandalize sites to be publish on our Facebook page.
We ask the same for the other volunteers listed below:
- Johanne Roy-Foster (Newton Bay)
- Patrick Gosselin (NDL)
- Rick Brown (Newton Bay)
- Denise Comtois (Newton Bay)
- Jean Duchesne (Newton Bay)
- Pierre Fortier (NDL)
- Jérémie Gravel (NDL)
- Denis Marleau (NDL)
- Gaston Arseneault (Newton Bay)
- Natalie Briggs (NDL)
- Sue Brown (Bowman)
- Lorraine & Dale Sutton (Newton Bay)
History and Photos:
- Phil Cavali (Newton Bay)
- Donna Gadde (Bowman)
- Patrick Gosselin (NDL)
Board of Directors (interest in joining):
- Johanne Légaré (Bowman)
- Patrick Gosselin (NDL)
- Nathalie St-Jean