Here are some questions we’ve received with corresponding answers.
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Frequent questions we received:
Could you explain to me the difference between the associations that exist in the southern portion of the lake?
The answer is provided by Ronald Thomas. He is the founding member of the « Association des Propriétaires de la Baie Newton »…
Several people ask if it is really necessary to have three local associations. In order to answer this question we have to to identify them and know their different roles.
There are three different local associations in the southern portion of our lake:
- L’Association bassin versant du Poisson-Blanc (The Poisson Blanc Watershed Association) which is the Association of all the lakes in the watershed of Lac Poisson Blanc;
- Newton Bay Association (Association de la baie Newton);
- L’Association des propriétaires de la baie Newton (“The Newton Bay Owners Association”)
The « A.B.V. du Poisson-Blanc » or the Poisson Blanc Watershed Association
This association is for all residents of Newton Bay but also for all the owners on Lac du Poisson-Blanc, from Notre-Dame-du-Laus to Bowman, including also, users of lakes du Brochet and Newton. It is a lake association as there are hundreds in Quebec that seek to defend the interests of its members while ensuring that the fauna and ecology of the lake are protected. The Association aims to promote self-help partnerships between all users of our lakes. As such, it is called upon to represent you at governments of various levels and organizations such as COBALI and the « Regroupement pour la protection de l’eau de la vallée de la Gatineau » (Gatineau Valley Conservation Group).
The « Association bassin versant du Poisson-Blanc » defines its actions by its committees of volunteer members such as:
- Municipal Affairs
- Buoys
- Environment Committee
- Other committees (ex: photos & history)
The Newton Bay Parking Association:
This association is a group of owners of a parking lot with a wharf in Newton Bay. The land in question is accessible by the Chemin du Grand Poisson-Blanc. Several longstanding properties scattered around the bay have a joint ownership in this parking lot, given that not long ago there was no road access, the owners use a boat to get to their property. Their role is therefore the management and operation of this parking lot.
The « Association des Propriétaires de la Baie Newton » or the Newton Bay Owners Association:
The purpose of the APBN is to promote improved road access for the Newton Bay properties south, east and north of the bay. (Owners west of the bay and by the Gatineau creek are served by the Chemin du Grand Poisson-Blanc open and maintained year-round). Currently the founders of this association have decided to put the legal registration process on hold and join forces with the « A.B.V. du Poisson-Blanc » to promote the need to improve access to various government bodies. This association is waiting to see the upcoming developments and the proposals from the MRC and the municipality of Lac Sainte Marie on the subject.
The founders will follow up the process of legal foundation of this association only if it is required as a proposed improvement by the MRC and the Municipality. For example, if the solution chosen requires the recurrent collection of funds from the owners or the receipt of municipal subsidies (return of taxes) devoted to the management and maintenance of current or future road accesses.
In its current form, APBN serves as a means of information and networking among the concerned owners via its Facebook site.
In conclusion….
There is no competition between these three associations and depending on the location of your property you may well have interests with each of them. However, it is true that there is one association among these three which plays the role of common denominator and it is the APV du Poisson Blanc, Whether it’s for environmental, ecological, water-related issues, water safety, peace of mind, water quality, for a variety of reasons, we all have an interest in this association being strong and representative.
I don’t have access to my property by road in the LSM sector.
Maybe the Newton Bay Association Inc. can help. You can contact them by mail only so send your request or questions to: Newton Bay Association Inc, 30 ch Kelly Newton, Lac-Sainte-Marie, Québec J0X 1Z0
Do you know of any parking lots/areas at the southern end of the lake where we can park our cars for a couple of days while camping?
For access to Lac Vert: Pass the wooden bridge (about 4 km), there is an old parking lot (including a waste bin) but this site is partially abandoned by LSM except for waste management occasionally. Therefore, we suggest that you use the parking lot provided for Lac Vert via Chemin du Pémichongan. Please do not park your car on Chemin du Grand-Poisson-Blanc because you risk a fine.
For access to Lac Poisson Blanc at the south end of Newton Bay, there is a municipal boat launch on Montée Jean-Marc. In the Bowman sector, there is a boat launch with long-term parking which is managed by the Air-Eau-Bois outdoor centre (819-457-4040). PLEASE CHECK WITH AIR-EAU-BOIS ON THE CURRENT SITUATION ON THE ISLANDS CONCERNING OPEN PIT FIRES !
I was recently at a beach in the Gatineau Park and was warned about cercaria larva, which causes swimmer’s itch. Do you any information regarding swimmer’s itch on Lac Poisson Blanc?
As far as we are aware, swimmer’s itch is not a problem at Lac Poisson Blanc.
We are a group of 8 people hoping for a camp outing. Is Lac Poisson Blanc a good site for our needs ?
For information concerning available camp sites on Lac Poisson Blance, please contact the Poisson Blanc Regional Park (1-866-707-2999) or click: , which is responsible for renting campsites on the lake.
I used to camp on Lac Poisson Blance but have heard that we are no longer allowed to camp freely on the islands; could you please clarify this for me?
The natural environment on the islands was degrading due to unsupervised camping and vandalism on different sites, so the Poisson Blanc Regional Park was created. The Park now manages the different camping sites on the lake. All marked camping sites must now be reserved and paid in advance. There are some campsites in the southern portion of the lake used by Camp Air-Eau-Bois.
Is there Internet access available at the lake ?
Yes, Bell Fibe is widely available now, especially near Baie Newton, and a number of residents use Xplornet or Starlink as their Internet provider. Cellular service is reliable if you subscribe to Bell or one of its affiliates.
How do we access the lake if we have a motor boat ?

Here are the places you can launch your boat on Lac Poisson Blanc:
- Public boat launch with paid parking ($) in the municipality of Bowman. Just follow the signs to «Base de plein-air AIR-EAU-BOIS».
- Public boat launch on Chemin de la Montée Jean-Marc. Please note this ramp is very steep and may be very difficult for inexperienced drivers/boaters to use.
- Public boat launch at Lac Campion in the municipality of Notre-Dame-de-Laus.
What is the purpose of this sign?

It tells you that the owner of that property has erosion problems cause by waves. Please keep away or control your waves while passing by.
Could you recommend places to go fishing?
Everybody has his secret spot so it’s a SECRET but this map from the Québec Tourism Office may help you…

Is there seeding in lake Poisson Blanc?
Yes the Québec government proceeded with seeding and the fertilization of spawned eggs from Pope Lake. However, in 2017 we carried out the harvesting and artificial fertilization with the trout stock of the lake Poisson Blanc.
For the next few years we plan continuing lake trout seeding. However, the size limit remains the same: the lake trout should be less than 55 centimetres. Don’t forget that Poisson Blanc is a reservoir. Many fishs don’t survive the winter months when the water level is low.
With respect to Ouananiche, it is completely inappropriate to introduce this species given the negative interactions with lake trout. The project is also doomed to failure. This is due to the presence of walleye, which uses the same spawning habitat as the ouananiche. Therefore, it is prohibited to do this type of seeding under section 14 of the Aquaculture and fish sales regulations of the Wildlife Conservation and Development Act: the species of fish that one would like to conserve must already be present in the lake.