July 8th 2020

1. Letters send to the municipalities 2. Official municipal answers concerning our projects 3. MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN 4. Our recent concerns

We are Working for YOU right now ! Latest News from your Paradise!

Even tho you are not hearing from us out-loud, we are having meetings with the municipalities in our sector (Bowman, Denholm and Lac-Sainte-Marie) and the MRCs (Papineau & Vallée de la Gatineau) on your behalf.



Here are the letters that were send to the municipality of BOWMAN (in French) please click:



Here are the letters that were send to the municipality of LAC-SAINTE-MARIE (in French) please click:







8th of July:

Project Montée Jean-Marc and Solitude Nord:

It is well known that the Montée Jean-Marc and Newton Bay are inaccessible in winter and hardly accessible in summer. The work proposed will make the road passable all year long. Somewhat delayed by the pandemic, the work will require installing the largest culvert on the LSM territory, some deforestation and renting some very heavy-duty equipment. The road should be passable by the Winter 2020 and the rest of the work finished by the Spring of 2021.

Economic benefits for Lac Sainte-Marie:

•Year long access;

•Increased access that facilitates municipal services (snow and garbage removal);

Deadline: end of Autumn 2020 and Spring 2021 Total cost$ 634, 270.00

The work schedule is not yet available. We have had a lot of delays with COVID-19. However:

We have completed the “preliminary” survey of the rights-of-way;
We signed with the owners an official act prepared by a notary;
We ordered a first culvert for the creek in Newton Bay;
We opened discussions with the MFFP for the road on public land;
We are awaiting the $ 100,000 agreement from the MRCVG;

Financial assistance:

We received financial assistance for the production of 4 panels of 18 ” X 18 ” in aluminum + installation of the panels by municipal employees at the following locations:

1) Boat launch on Montée Jean-Marc;
2) Boat launch on Kelly Newton;
3) Chemin Clermont at a strategic location;
4) Chemin de la Solitude at a strategic location;

Regarding high speed Internet service:

The entire territory of the municipality is covered by a high-speed access program by governments. The objective is to connect each residence to a high speed Internet service. Yes, the Lac Brochet and Grand Poisson Blanc sectors are included in our requests made by resolution. We understand very well the needs of our taxpayers.

The rest of our suggestions will be presented in the next town meeting in August.


Financial assistance:

We received financial assistance for the production of 2 panels of 18 ” X 18 ” in aluminum + installation of the panels by municipal employees at the following locations:

1) At the boat launch on ch. Poisson Blanc;

2) At the Outdoor Base Air-Eau-Bois at a strategic location.

Our other suggestions will be discussed at the next town meeting in August.



Yes, it’s true, the board of directors decided that we would be discreet in our 2020 campaign because many of us have financial difficulties arising from the pandemic but…

Our time and dedication ensuring the safety and protection of the watershed and the community is free, however your Association and your Lake needs your membership to survive and to help us  help you.

Your membership encourages us to continue our hard work!

Memberships pay for:

  • Our information signs (big and small);
  • Water testing;
  • Our membership to other organizations;
  • Our fundraising Corn Roast;
  • Our buoys (orange and yellow) and equipment;
  • Our Website;
  • Our island monitoring;
  • Transparency water testing in Newton Bay;
  • Our community events…

Presently, we have spend more then $ 729 in equipment.

Join us! Be heard! Be part of the community!

Click this link to renew or join: https://abvdupoissonblanc.ca/product/buy-association-membership/

Curious to know our 2020 members? click here



We received an encouraging letter for our community from our MP:

All around our lake, our volunteers have been working tirelessly since spring to pursue our objectives for the protection of our lakes in our watershed. This year is difficult for us financially due to the cancellation of our community activities and also our AGM however we still have to fulfill our obligations.

We are pleased with the purchase of advertising by the federal deputy for Pontiac William Amos (Parliamentary Secretary for Science) to help us finance our new program of yellow buoys against the progression of Eurasian watermilfoil (invasive aquatic plants) in the southern sector of Poisson Blanc. With this ad purchase we will be able to provide the necessary equipment for all of our volunteers.

All the details in our next newsletter to members.

Thanks William

The Poisson Blanc Southern Islands:

Since there is no island monitoring we are getting many complaints about vandalism on certain islands, bomb fires, harassment of visitors going to the Small Sand Bar, illegal forest cutting to make way for camping sites and overuse of some camping sites. Also we were told of big boats racing on the middle of the lake.

We contacted the municipality of Bowman to voice your concerns about the management of the southern islands and we are pushing for a regional park to preserve our little paradise. We have also ask for a more regular patrol on the lake.


This year, because of illness, Ray is taking a sick leave so we are looking for a COORDINATOR for this committee. Your responsibility is simple: 1) We give you all the emails addresses and phone numbers of our members interested in monitoring the islands; 2) After contacting them by email or phone, you give them your email address or phone number so that they can reach you or the opposite if needed during the summer 3) You contact Pierre if you notice from your volunteers something unusual on a island or need some equipment.

Curious about joining this committee as a volunteer? In these times your help would be must precious.

Click here if you want some details: https://abvdupoissonblanc.ca/islands-guardian-angels-committee/

INTERESTED, please contact us immediately at:   abv.poissonblanc@gmail.com

Concerning Noises or other Mischief around Cottage Living Areas:

We just printed a new sign for two of our members in the Bowman area. We had some made also for our members in Haven Cove.

The Boat Launch in the Bowman Area:

This is a recurring issue, no surveillance in the small parking and boat launch. Cars arriving very early in the morning or very late at night at the boat launch and camping for the night. Garbage on the ground and dogs unleash etc.

We had a meeting on June 8th with the municipality of Bowman and the «Base de plein-air Air-Eau-Bois» concerning these issues.

The new Board of Directors of the Base and the Director of the Base are cooperating in solving the many issues that been going on for so many years. New recycling bins were added, the garbage bin will be better located, the second person will be present on the weekend in the small parking lot to control traffic, police monitoring on popular weekends, regular visits by the Base Director on the two sites on weekends, better and more visible signs to the visitors arriving, planting of cedars and trees near the fences and on each side of the boat launch. Also, a member was assigned to do some stats, to be presented to the municipality, on the number of cars and trailers that are staying overnight to have a better understanding of how much money is returned to the local community for the management of this sector.

The Invasive Species Problem:

The good news as you know is that there is NO invasive species in du Brochet and also Newton lakes but…

It is confirm that we do have some starting to expand in the Newton Bay and Bowman areas. Curious to read more about this? Click here: https://abvdupoissonblanc.ca/environmental-warnings/

We are very concern about the EURASIAN WATERMILFOIL that is spreading and we have a partial solution which is to mark the spots, with yellow buoys, were they are confirm. We hope that the municipality will help us installing warnings signs that are in preparation but we lack the volunteers to take care of the yellow buoys that we are planning in installing this summer.

We are looking for members that would adopt a buoy and would be willing to install (summer) and remove it (fall). We would furnished all the equipment. We really hope that our members will participate in this committee since this the present solution to preserve the beauty of our lake and also the value of our properties.

If you are interested in the YELLOW BUOYS COMMITTEE please choose a number on the map below and contact us: abv.poissonblanc@gmail.com

Newton Bay area:

Buoys # 7, 8, 10, 11, 17 and 18 are being verified by Andrée-Lise, Sue, Larry and Jeff  THANK YOU!

Bowman area:

Buoys #1 and 2 are verified by Mark, THANK YOU!

  • The nature trail project will be studied this year. This is a variation of our OLD GROWTH project of 2019. We will share some news later on.