Hi neighbour!

This month we will keep it short since we will publish in the coming weeks our annual spring newsletter prepared by Carla.

This month is our recruiting and renewal month!



Spring is in the air and…

If you believe the weather forecast, it looks like it’s going to be another great summer at the lake: clear, warm days; blue skies; wonderful sunsets; and a beautiful blue lake. Great swimming, great boating, great fishing; we are indeed blessed to have a home or cottage on Poisson Blanc Lake one of, if not the, most beautiful lakes in the Gatineau Valley.
Unfortunately, Lac Poisson Blanc is not as healthy as you might think. This formerly intact lake is gradually becoming more fragile because of its popularity as a regional park. During the past twenty years, we have successively witnessed the disappearance of the lake trout spawning grounds, increased nautical circulation, vandalism on our islands, misunderstandings between some lake users, introduction of invasive species and so on.  This accelerated and heart wrenching deterioration of our lake is not a natural phenomenon but rather the result of the collective action of folks like you and me.

It is those of us who have enjoyed this wonderful lake who are responsible for its present state. To arrest and – in time – reverse the deterioration of our lake, we must all become much more environmentally aware and treat it and its ecosystem with much greater love and respect. We must also work together to ensure that all levels of government provide the leadership and the resources required to protect and preserve our lake and its community.

A simple and very effective way to enhance your environmental awareness and – at the same time – demonstrate your commitment for preserving our lake is by joining the Poisson Blanc Lake Association, an organization dedicated to our beautiful lake and to the wellness of its users and property owners.

Since its establishment in 2014, the Poisson Blanc Lake Association has devoted many of volunteer hours in its fight to protect our waterways and in the improvement of the quality of life of its members. These efforts have included:

1) monitoring the water quality of our lake;

2) surveying the shoreline to help ensure RCI 2009-206 compliance;

3) maintaining a network of buoys to signal the shoals;4) maintaining a professional website (see www.abvdupoissonblanc.ca );

5) production of a spring newsletter through Carla’s dedication;

6) information and awareness-raising campaigns with information boots;

7) organization of a community gathering;

8)  improvement of traffic signs / speed limit on certain roads;

9)  improvement of the wireless telephone service;

10) dedication of a team of volunteers to clean up some orphaned campsites;

11) advocacy with the municipal authorities for the intensification of their actions with respect to the ch de la Solitude and at the boat launch in the Bowman sector.

12) opening, during the winter season, of the TransOutaouais road as a project.

We have an outstanding team that has your interests at heart … Ronald (Thom) is taking care of matters in Newton Bay, Eric and Ron are taking care of matters in the Bowman area, Gilbert (Butch) of our finances, Carla of everything related to our documents and finally Pierre who coordinates everything. We must not forget Margaret who has a great responsibility for the safety of our lake. Everyone works for you for free so that you can enjoy your stay here with peace of mind.

Becoming a member of the Association costs only $ 25 per year per individual. We hope that you will join forces with us, to help retain our beautiful wilderness and defend the rights of all its members, by renewing your membership and trust in us. We now have an electronic payment system (PAYPAL / VISA / MASTER CARD) available by clicking here: https://abvdupoissonblanc.ca/renew-join-the-association/

We have already twenty members that have renewed or joined us, with not YOU ?

Your team: Ronald (Thom), Éric, Ron, Gilbert (Butch), Carla and Pierre