Hi and be HAPPY… summertime is coming !

March has arrived ! It seems quiet here but not everyone is into hibernation! Your vice-presidents (Ron, Éric and Thom) and Pierre having meetings concerning your concerns with the different municipalities. There is not much we can talk about officially but we are negociating for you.

This month, Pierre should talk with Mark concerning our futur fishing tournament this summer.

YES, your newsletter is coming this spring and YES you should be able to renew your membership starting in mid MARCH.

Here is the summary of our last general assembly. Click: compte_rendu PoissBlanc 20160716

Ronald Thomas has prepare a text explaining the difference between the three associations in the southern portion of our lake. Want to read it? Its the first question on this page (click on this link): https://abvdupoissonblanc.ca/frequently-asked-questions/

Via Facebook, we polled our members to simplify our logo …

After consultation here is our new logo




The municipality of LSM has received the evaluation about the construction of the new road («ch de la baie Newton»). They are presently negociating with land owners concerning the use of Montée Jean-Marc. At the present time, the evaluation of the new road has been submitted (plan A). Almost all the property owners of Montée Jean-Marc have been contacted for the recontruction of this road (plan B). Depending on the last property owners, the municipality would go with plan B and work could start this year if the budget permits.

As you know the TransOutaouais is open and maintained by the municipality of Denholm as a good will gesture in cooperation with the municipality of LSM. Denholm is hoping that some sections of the road will be enlarge for a better maintenance (that’s good for us) . There is some talk about keeping this inter-sector road open next winter. This will depend probably on the number of vehicles using this road presently. If you want it open please encourage them to do so by contacting the municipality of LSM 819-467-5437 or Denholm 819-457-2992 .

In late spring we hope that the municipality of LSM will install the new road signs of Chemin de la Solitude and Montée Jean-Marc «EST» and finally decide on the official name of the Trans-Outaouais .



Rémi Bergeron General Director in Bowman and Éric had a good discussion. The Municipality is well aware that our file is important and are prepared to work with us. Our sector is a regular subject of discussion at the municipal council. Some members of the board are users of the boat launch in our sector so they are well aware of our situation and understand us in our efforts for a better management. They will try to work together to develop a plan to make changes / solutions.

Mr. Bergeron informed Éric that they have put in place a plan and that we are part of it. The first step is the revision of the contract with the «Base de plein-air Air-Eau-Bois» . The Municipality plans to meet with BAEB during the month of March and will then advice us for a meeting (probably with the Municipality and AEB) in April or early May. He asked us to send a list of concerns on the use of the ramp in order to talk with BAEB. That was done today with the help of Ron and Louise.

He told Éric that the Municipality will have government grants for this year and that it intends save part of it for our corner. So Éric conclude that they have funds to do something.

We had a executive meeting concerning the options we have and decided to stop looking towards the municipality of Denholm because of the significant increase in  taxation for all property owners. Bowman is known to have the lowest taxes in Québec with almost no municipal services. So this is what we have to deal with.

This year, there should be a increase in taxation for the Bowman residents because of the maintenance of the  septics systems. This service  will be managed by the municipality sometime this year. Also Bowman is presently negotiating with Denholm for the waste management services. We ask both municipalities to include a recycling program.


OTHER SECTORS (Grand Poisson Blanc / Newton lake):

The municipality of LSM has agreed to leave a access for those of us using the wooden bridge for winter sports.

Still no news concerning the completion of the installation of the last three speed limit signs from LSM.

We have ask some members of Newton lake for their concerns this year.


Be looking on our Facebook page for recent development on all these matters.