June latest news !

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Our annual assembly:

At the municipal hall at Lac-Sainte-Marie on the 16th of July at 10AM will be held our annual general assembly. REGISTRATION starting at 9AM. We really hope to meet you in person. You should receive a phone call or invitation email from Carla.

Curious to read what is going to be discuss at the meeting: ordredu jour_agenda 20160716

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Renew your membership:

As you know, you must be a member to vote in our assembly so please do so before our general meeting. Here is the link to our membership page: https://abvdupoissonblanc.ca/becoming-a-member/

or look it up on the top menu under the word «Association». Join us, $25,00 is not a big amount considering the benefits for everyone !!

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Remember this sticker ?


Thank you Ron from the Bowman sector for sharing this piece of nostalgia. This sticker was used when the first association was created in th 80’s

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In the Bowman sector:

We wish to thank the municipality of Bowman for the repair work at the boat launch and the «Base de plein-air Air-Eau-Bois» for the clean up in the sector in May. Sadly there are still trailers that are blocking private entries. No recycling effort was done as suggested by us in November. Considering the extreme proximity of the boat launch to local residents and the increasing number of users coming. We wish this problem to have a happy solution during this year. Presently, the blue and green containers are written with a marker for recycling (paper and plastics together??) but the above sign indicates « household garbage ». The «ben» is also used for garbage. Very confusing for all users!


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The municipality of Denholm and Lac-Sainte-Marie have installed new direction signs for the Trans-Outaouais. We thank them for this since everyone knows how many tourists get lost on this road. Some  tourism information signs will be added by the end of the summer.


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Corn Roast:

On the 20th of August in Newton Bay will be our annual Corn Roast. We will privilege «Pot Luck» and try to find a provider for the specialty sausages that we like so much. Carla will bring out all the games that we have for us and the kids.

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Carla and Pierre are planning to install membership information booths on two Saturdays between July and August. Also will be contacting all members that were interested in planning social events to help blossom our community spirit between us. Also members interested in the recruting committee will be contacted before the end of this month.

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Nautical sports and boat launch entry:

affiche_no wake

Sadly, we have a problem with the present level of water in our lake! Technically, we are asking all members that have recreational crafts that create strong wakes such as high performance motors and those wishing to undertake nautical sports such as water skiing, wake boarding or others to check water level of the lake before and go out towards the lake preferably if they are line-ups of nautical sports activities in the Newton bay area by respect for others cottage owners. Also to watch your wake will entering the channel of the boat ramp in Bowman. Hydro-Québec’s website for the water level (please copy/paste) : http://www.cehq.gouv.qc.ca/suivihydro/graphique.asp?NoStation=040602

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On a more positive side, YES, we will try to organise a FISHING TOURNAMENT soon or we are planning a bigger and better one in 2017 with the help of «EconoBass» if approved. Details at our next annual meeting.

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Last executive meeting:

The executive committee had a executive meeting lately. As a service to our members here is the official minutes: minutes20160603

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Activities in Lac-Sainte-Marie for Québec’s national day (June the 24th) and for Canada Day (July 1st)

Lac-Sainte-Marie en fête June 2016 LVDCN Com Bulletin final

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Be advised, we are working to make your website more user friendly so be patient!